

Melanoma almost killed me! | Instructions for treatment | Comments | E-Mail Me | Guest Book

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Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlx.forms

I am still gathering comments but here are a few...

Via E-Mail, August 20, 2002, three weeks after taking the treatment...
"Hi Bob
How are you? "J" is feeling great...we want to know when she can start 
eating eggs again... She also began chemo. last Thur. it seems 
that the combo of all we are doing is working. We won't know until the CT 
scans in 5 weeks. Anyway thanks for everything.
K in NY
Dear Bob: I took your drink in early May, 2001. You know that I was having several skin cancers removed every year. Since taking the drink, I have had no suspicious areas and am feeling wonderful.
Alex M.
Bob: Please feel free to use me and my wife as contacts for your treatment especially after the results she has had. As you already know, her cervical cancer IS GONE! Also,  I am still using the wood chip tea every other day to lower my blood pressure. So far it is lower by 20%.
Thanks again,
Jerry K.
Deerfield Beach, FL


Dear Bob,
I have taken the treatment as a preventative. I have had numerous illnesses and surgery over the years, and due to my particular illness am in a high risk for cancer. I did not take the treatment without knowing of a few miracles such as Bob Newmans. One was a mid 60s male living in Miami. His family was 100% apprehensive and against the treatment. A friend of mine who knew this man well ordered the treatment from Bob himself for this man. Against his families wishes he has taken the treatment and is doing remarkably well in only 90 days. He has gained weight, able to travel and eat out at restaurants and his life is slowly returning to normal.
My 40 year old nephew has a very rare form of cancer. He has had surgery and radiation. He is now taking the treatment. To early to have an opinion except nothing to lose and only to gain.
Stanley Gold, Florida


Dear Bob:
As you know, I live in Mexico with my wife. To make a long and very painful story short, six years ago I was told by my doctors that I was going to die. I had about six months left. The tumor in my chest was so large that it could not be removed and no treatments that would help. I started looking for alternatives. All of us who live down here have heard of medicines, based on old time legends, that cure all sorts of things. Many of these work on headaches, other pains, you name it. I guess it's the same as the "old wives tales" in the U.S. Anyway, we sought out a man that claimed to have a "cure". What interested me was that it was a one-time thing. He charged very little and seemed sincere. We ordered it and after taking it, fifteen minutes in fact, I felt differently. I followed the diet and within two months was feeling normal. It is hard to describe, but I did not feel sick, I did not feel like I was in any way in danger of dying. My whole attitude changed. My next visit to the doctor showed a decrease in the tumor. Within months it was gone. Today, six years later, I am healthy, strong and feel great. I know of others here that have taken it also, if you want I can try get letters from them.
R.C., Cuidad Victoria, Mexico
My mother was 72 at the time and had been confined to bed for over three months. The doctors here told us there was nothing else they could do for her, she was going to die. My sister heard about this treatment and thought my mother should try it. My sister got it and gave it to her and in three weeks or so she had stabilized. After several more weeks my mother was up and doing better and within 3 months was able to be on her own again. Today, two years after the incident, she lives alone, does all her own shopping and is living the life or a normal 74 year old woman. I do not know what this thing does or how it works, but it does work! It was nice meeting you and if there is anything else I can do to help let me know.
Homero Garcia


Hi Bob,

Thanks very much for your concern. I think when we got to know about her cancer it was at the last stage. I am sorry to say that she has passed away on Sep 29th. She did not complete the course because she was very scared and wanted some quick results. Now we think if she would have completed the course there might have been a chance of her survival but now it is too late.

Any way thanks again for your efforts and your concern. Good luck!!

New York City


Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlx.tellyourfriends